Saturday, January 27, 2007

* * * * 1/2 Spring Moon

Spring Moon, by Bette Bao Lord

A 5 generation Chang family saga that takes place in pre-revolutionary China. The main character, Spring Moon, is a pampered, intelligent and outspoken daughter whose parents fear that she may not make a good match because of her character. Her fate is foretold at birth, she will live to see 5 generations.

There is a nice drawing in the front of the book showing the courts of the House of Chang which I referred to several times while reading the book. Also each chapter begins with a quote from actual Chinese authors which enhances the story. For funs, the Peabody Museum has an entire Chinese house, Yen Yu Tang, which has been dismantled and is on display via the internet complete with fly throughs and a nice slide show.

This is a good read and so I'll be looking forward to reading more of Bao Lord's works. And, yes! Antigone, I'll be sending it on to you.

1 comment:

Debi said...

Oh my gosh! I love that link to the Yin Yu Tang home. Now that's a good use of technology, allowing us to see something like that in our pj's. Thanks for finding that and sharing.