Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Book Meme Let's Play

Oh fun, it is called The Book Meme and it goes as follows:
Pick up the nearest book of 123 pages or more. (No cheating!)
Find Page 123.
Find the first 5 sentences.
Post the next 3 sentences.
Tag 5 people.

The Mapmaker's Opera By Bea Gonzalez

'And because he is no good at small talk, has never bothered to learn the rules that govern high society, does not know how to engage this man on his own turf, Nelson jumps in now and begins to laud the area's birds - the motmots, the ibises, the hummingbirds, the owls and the terns. "So many precious birds," Nelson says. "Do your people know how truly lucky they are to live under this extraordinary piece of the sky?"
Don Victor nods in reply. Though he has only a passing interest in the area's birds himself, he is most pleased at a foreigner traveling from so far to admire the beauty of his region of the earth.'

I tag Debi Cates Photo A Day, Sue of Sacred Circle Mandalas, Barb of Life In The Sunshine, Enzie of World Market Portraits, and D.C. Confidential. Let's play!


Irene said...

Oh, you really have me interested in that book now, Bobbie. I must see if they have that at the library. Stranger things have happened.

Unknown said...

i shall play. thx.


Artists With Artitude said...

I am intrigued too...Is it a historical novel? Why did you choose that book to read? I am curious..

Great meme!

Enzie Shahmiri said...

I had a house full of friends and am just exhausted tonight. If it's not to late I will play tomorrow.

Bobbie said...

Irene, I haven't finished the book and so don't know whether I'll like it or not.

Sue, so GLAD you can play :)

Neda, I chose this book because 1. It is about birds 2. It is an historical novel 3. It introduces me to a different culture. I love playing this meme.

Enzie, look forward to seeing your post and what you are reading.

lebanesa said...

This is so great. I think this Book Meme is fantastic - it makes a real view into what we are reading. Your book sounds interesting. How about telling us at the end what you thought about it. Maybe we should do this on a regular basis? It didn't take too long.
Thanks for posting this

John M. Mora said...

What a wonderful quote - thank you.

I am a sucker for boird talk.

Bev said...

So many birds around this piece of cyberspace at the moment. So you, I am thinking of the picture of your house with all the wildlife surrounding it, and butterflies in the sky.

Bev said...

Also reminds me the Emily Dickinson poem about Hummingbirds which you kindly wrote on my blog, and I think you have spoken about your love of hummingbirds. This quote is uncanny!

The Artful Eye said...

Now I'm interested in this book. So many books, so little time. I got meme'd too.

Enzie Shahmiri said...

Dear Bobbie,

My post today on World Market Portraits is for you.

dianeclancy said...

Hi Bobbie,

This sounds so interesting ... I am enjoying the texture of this novel!

Thank you!!

~ Diane Clancy

Janet Kincaid said...

Done! Although, I can't say my book is all that exciting, but it was the one at hand.

Irene said...

HI Bobbie, there is something for you over at my place, it is special.

John M. Mora said...

Answer is ye.s.

When you or Debi comment it feels like christmas...Men can be conditioned. Pavlov's puppy.

Lucky Dip Lisa said...

Sounds like a great book, I was captivated by the title, the birds are a bonus!

Enzie Shahmiri said...

Hi Bobbie!

Would you please check your Email and see if you have a message from me. If you don't see one, please Email me at artenzie@cox.net, because my Email to you must have been rejected.


Joy Logan said...

Thanks for visiting my blog and the new baby lovebird is well. Yes they say to feed them mashed eggs so they can feed the baby. I love trying new foods on them. I sadly didn't play the book game this time too busy playing art this weekend.

Bobbie said...

I give this book 3.5 stars. It started out very nice, ended up very nice, but was all love mush in the middle. Do I recommend it? Heck no, not at 3.5 stars, but amazon.com's readers give it 5 stars(1 rater) while librarything.com's readers agree with me giving it 3.5 stars(5 raters)

John M. Mora said...

Please go to Marazine for updates on my mouse killing exploits.

Marazine has exclusive rights to this story and for any photos I take of Britney Spears.

No mouse will be left behind.

John M. Mora said...

I started killing mice when they left their little moimois on my fork...go to Marazine, The New York Times of the Cold North.

Artists With Artitude said...

Bobbie, just a note to tell you I hope all is well. Kisses :)