This is my favorite recurring dream. I have dreamed this over the years. I am swimming and having a wonderful time. I get tired of having to stop for air and I suddenly discover that I can breathe underwater. I love to swim, I always have and so this is the best of the best :)
I dedicate this image to Hala, Rima's niece who is in London being treated for cancer. She has issued another challenge, so go to her blog and see what it is. Let's participate and have a gay old time.
As always I'll be looking forward to your comments. And please notice that I put a comment of my own on the last post (believe it or not!)
Mmmmmm this feels peaceful and restful to me. So who is your companion in the dream. Water, emotions, the womb, the great mother, surrender. All of these things come up for me. I have technical questions, of course. How many layers in this image?
I love underwater dreams. Ive had a few. I sure wish my recurring dreams were as colorful as yours!
~Sue O'Kieffe
From hot to cool - from passion to serenity - lovely image. I wish I could have a dream where I can breathe underwater and never have to leave!
thanks for mentioning hala - isn't her spirit wonderful? she's holding up so well - thanks to your friendship and prayers and constant encouragement, every little bit has helped her along the way.
You are one amazing lady yourself, Bobbie, and my inspiration as well. Love ya
What a lovely thought.Great collage too :) And thanks for mentionning Hala
All best wishes to Hala.
What a beautiful inspiring image! It reminds me a little of swimming with the dolphins, and I love the way the sunlight is illuminating the water. To be weightless and free underwater, and to be able to breathe naturally must be a wonderful experience.
what a lovely dream to have. You must be so happy to dream this. Lovely image too. Hala is so strong and marvellous and she can do with all the support anyone can offer her.
So lovely, Mom. Everything about it says she's at home in her blue wonderland.
Yet again I'm amazed at your use of not only color but of light. I love the light rays on her legs. And even the bubbles sparkle with the light.
And thank you for letting us know about Hala's request. What fun I had giving that darlin' lots and lots of hair.
I dream I swim underwater, but the water is opaque and dangerous at the edges. Something lurks there, but I can't see it and I am quite frightened. I want to swim to the surface, but I can't. I too can breathe underwater and swim for long distances, but I am afraid of what else swims there.
I like the dream in which I can fly much better. I am like a bird, high above everybody else, flapping my arms, getting higher and higher. Do you ever dream that?
Hi Bobbie,
Wow - yet another fabulous dream! And another great collage to go with it!
I agree with the other analyses ... I wish I could breathe underwater.
It is so much fun how you keep having such great creations!
~ Diane Clancy
Hi Bobbie. I love reading your dream posts. I like the womb comparison by Sue, I think that is fairly apt. Aparently water does represent emotion so I guess that this could imply a time of warmth and comfort that you re-visit in your dreams because it is comforting to do so. Just an un-educated guess of course!
Sue, I am alone in the water except for the creatures that are like finding treasures in the deep. I am quite content and happy to be swimming along and seeing all the creatures and colors. Layers: Background layer which is the water, the swimmer and the whale shark. Then two adjustment layers, one for brightness/contrast and one for hue/saturation both for the water giving five layers in all. You see, my teacher taught me to use these adjustment layers and a very good idea too, I should use them more often and could have used them on all layers. Check out Sue's blog for a tutorial on adjustment layers :)
Rima and Neda, I love Hala's wonderful outlook on life and how she maintains her incredible sense of humor through all the pain and discomfort. She will make it through all this and go back home to her family and life. And make us some more cookies :)
Bev, Frances, Irene and Debi, swimming and breathing underwater for me is like flying must be to others (Debi and Irene). I don't have flying dreams but wish I did.
Lisa and Sue, the womb connection never occurred to me before. That is very interesting and I feel there is a connection. Thanks!
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