Monday, August 27, 2007

Kitty Society II

After reading what Neda said in her collage tutorial about initially using collages as a shortcut to a finished painting, I decided to take note and use Photoshop to "paint" one of my collages. Here I used filters to create the look I wanted (filter, brush stokes,accent edges/filter,colored pencil,fade colored pencil/filer, dry brush,dry brush (2x). I love the way the shrubbery became more rounded and cartoon-ish. Here is the original kitty society.


Bev said...

This collage has a magical Alice in Wonderland feel to it. The right hand cat also reminds me of Tom Kitten (out of Beatrix Potter)so, to me, there are some English influences here!

Irene said...

Yes, it does have an English feel to it. Very cute with all those kittens. Lovely garden!

Rima said...

Yes, I see what you mean. See, Beverley thought of Alice in Wonderland too! Love it.

Artists With Artitude said...

I agree! I really think you took it to the next level, as they say. I like the way you played with the shadows, giving more depth to the floliage. The kittens are absolutely gorgeous, they look like lollipops...A surrealist dream. You go, girl!!!

Debi said...

I like the cartoon effect on the greenery too. I like the other one a tad better though because the cat faces really popped in their realism. Next step for you: use the select option to do effects on parts of the image.